Welcome to Aniterra

Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The concept of sustainable development does imply limits - not absolute limits but limitations imposed by the present state of technology and social organization on environmental resources and by the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities.

Report: OUR COMMON FUTURE, UN General Assembly, 1987

Until recently, the planet was a large world in which human activities and their effects were neatly compartmentalized within nations, within sectors (energy, agriculture, trade), and within broad areas of concern (environment, economics, social). These compartments have begun to dissolve. This applies in particular to the various global 'crises' that have seized public concern, particularly over the past decade. These are not separate crises: an environmental crisis, a development crisis, an energy crisis. They are all one.

Report: OUR COMMON FUTURE, UN General Assembly, 1987

Ready to take the next step towards sustainability?


Aniterra contributes to the acceleration of action towards a sustainable future - living well within the limits of our planet

  • by supporting you to better understand past and future societal sustainability development directions and environmental impacts 
  • by applying integrated approach
    • System thinking
    • Future thinking and foresight



Aniterra supports actions for  enhancing the change and innovation

  • by supporting you to challenge the status quo and create out of box thinking
  • by stimulating openess, creativity and motivation to change
  • by applying
    • Co-creative lab for change making and anticipation
    • Design thinking


Aniterra provides trainings and building  competences for sustainability in the areas of foresight,  integrated assessment and stakeholder interactions 

  • to unleash your potential
  • to learn together
  • learning by doing

Often asked questions

Why sustainability?

Our society is undergoing a rapid change. Numerous drivers of change interact in a highly complex interplay of human needs, desires, activities and technologies, contributing to‘ the new era of Anthropocen and  'Great Acceleration’ when human consumption and environmental degradation escalets beyond our safe operating space.

We consume more than we can afford, we are overusing planet's resources whitout knowing how our actions could bounce back to us. Some of the proof for this are current multiple crises we have encountered recently, more or less unprepared. Challanges are complex, systemic apearing at many different levels and can 'cut the branch we are sitting on', for example climate change related extreme weather events take our healthy years of living, deminish our past economic investments and call for more economic costs. We extract, use and dump ever more natural resources which puts humanity at risk in an esistential way. 

While we have been trying to implement some coordinated, targeted action for the  long term sustianbility already since 1972 (UN conference on human environment and the Stockholm Declaration recognized human impact on the environment, signifying for the first time in history that environmental issues have been addressed publicly and on a global scale), it remains questionable whether operationalisation at the regional, national and local level is sufficiently effective in coping with the dynamic complexities of European and global trends. Scientific and other organisations at all scales recognised that we need to address systemic nature of the challanges if we want to see progress. 

'We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.'

This requires knowledge and actions that span across policy domains and disciplines, active egagment of all stakholders and using new or modified tools and approaches. Also Albert Einstein indicated:

How can sustainability help my company?

Majpority of companies are not actively managing sustainability. Most active are energy companies. however, those that do, are reaping benefits for themselves and for society.

Companies are defined as being most engaged with sustainability if their executives say that sustainability is a top-three priority in their CEOs’ agendas, which means that building sustainability competences of CEOs ie the first priority.

(McKinsey Global Survey results: How companies manage sustainability, 2010 )


A sustainability analysis provides an in-depth understanding of your company's current sustainability practices and identifies areas for improvement and develops an action plan.

How can susitanbility help for my better quality of life?

My basic living functions as a part of sociaty depend on the use of natural resources, water we drink, air we breath, food we eat, shelters we build... My quality of life for better or worse is in many ways dependant on how sociaty function and which actions and cjhoices I take as a part of the sociaty. I want to avoid many existential and benfits related risks we encounter today, for example:

I don't want to die prematurely becouse of the air pollutions (in 2021 the premature deaths attributable to PM2.5 were 253,000 in the EU as stated by the report of European environment agency in 2023; exposure to air pollution significantly increases the risk of strokes, heart and lung disease, cancer and other ailments, causing more than 6.7 million premature deaths a year globally as stated by UN environment programme 2023),

I don't want to live longer but beining sick,

I need green space for recreation and relaxation,

I don't want to loose all my lifework achievments and money due to natural hazards.

I want security and good life also for my grandchildren. Earth’s life support systems have been so damaged that the planet is “well outside the safe operating space, six out of 9 planetary tipping points beining transgressed (2023)



Why and how shall I learn about sustainbility?

We as individuals would like to know why we have ecological food in the shops, how chemicals impact my body and health or what is the risk of flooding for the house I am buying and is there somthing else threthening me?

Governmental and company managers would like to know how to deliver to sustainbility agenda and what to prioritise, while keeping their own bussinesses competitive and accountable.

There are countless possiblities to learn and imporve our knowledge on sustianiblity. In a small segment Aniterra can offer some tailor made and user adapted trainings, for example, a quick crash course on what does it mean term sustianbility, so many times used and also misuesd and disscuss open questions with you. See more in the Training section.

Who can benefit from Aniterra?

Stakeholders can benefit from a quick and tailored contributions from Aniterra:

  • Governments - snapshsots of state of the art in the field of their interest and action, understanding of different stakheholder perspectives, advice and test for strategic directions, links to scietific knowledge....
  • Bussineses - established or start ups which want to integrate sustainblity in their bussiness plans and actions
  • Research - to better link their work with policymakers and other users
  • inidviudals- to better understand sustainability and different concpets around it.



“Aniterra has a vision to move you and us forward to our better future.”


Contact us

Contact us to hear how can we help.


Aniterra - Sustainability Consulting
Holte, Capital Region, Danmark

About Us

Aniterra - Sustainability Consulting is small, one person consulting company situated in Holte, Capital Region, Danmark.  My long term working experience in the areas of environment, sustainability, foresight and integrated assessment will  enable solid and tailored respons to specific needs you may have in these areas. See Anita Pirc Velkavrh CV

Aniterra's values are: positivity, creativity, responsability, quality